What: Shield that appeared in numerous contemporary photographs
Where: Current whereabouts unknown
Status: Strong link to Maqdala, though Speedy did also collect Ethiopian artefacts before and after the campaign
This shield appeared in many photographs taken on the 1868 campaign and in the years that followed. Almost all are associated with Captain Speedy who was part of the expedition’s intelligence team and became the first guardian of Ethiopia’s Prince Alemayehu in Britain. The design is distinctive through its use of unusually large silver panels, with triangles closely filling the space left by the rectangles.
What: Necklace pictured on page 15 of the Illustrated London News, 2 January 1892, in a section headlined “Relics in the Victorian Exhibition”
Where: Unknown
Caption on image: “Charm Necklace composed of leather ornamented with silver and beads, which contain texts from the Koran. Brought from Abyssinia by Lord Napier of Magdala in 1868.”
What: Two Magdala Shields decorated in silver, taken by a private of the 33rd regiment
Where: Unknown, last seen in a ctalogue
Pictured on pages 26-29 of the catalogue ‘Wars, Art, Racism & Slavery‘, published in 2009 by the collector and dealer Michael Graham-Stewart. See full catalogue below.
AbeBooks describes ‘Wars, Art, Racism & Slavery‘ as ‘A catalogue of Michael Graham-Stewart Slavery Collection which was purchased by the National Maritime Museum [National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London] in 2002, having been assembled by Graham-Stewart over a period of 14 years.” But there is no mention of the shield in the Greenwich museums’ online database.
The photo of the first shield is captioned: “Shield 1868, Ethiopia the central boss engraved N. H. Stewart Dragoon Guards Magdala April 13 1868 hide with silver mounts, 57 cm.”
The second shield is captioned: “Shield 1868, Ethiopia with suspended engraved plaque detailing provenance hide with silver mounts, 55 cm.” The plaque reads: Shield of Native Chief taken at Magdala by a private of the 33rd regiment and presented by Captain Trent of the 33rd to Robert C. Clarke July 1868″.
What: Hide shield with silver mounts, engraved: “N. H. Stewart Dragoon Guards Magdala April 13 1868”
Where: Unknown
Pictured on page 27 of the catalogue ‘Wars, Art, Racism & Slavery‘, published in 2009 by the collector and dealer Michael Graham-Stewart.
AbeBooks describes ‘Wars, Art, Racism & Slavery‘ as ‘A catalogue of Michael Graham-Stewart Slavery Collection which was purchased by the National Maritime Museum [National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London] in 2002, having been assembled by Graham-Stewart over a period of 14 years.” But there is no mention of the shield in the Greenwich museums’ online database.
What: A silver processional cross presented by Napier to the 1st Belooch Regiment. It was placed on a silver stand made in Birmingham and was meant to be an ornament for the regiment’s Mess.
Where: Exact location unknown. The 1st Belooch Regiment is one of the precursors of Pakistan’s modern-day Baloch Regiment which is based in Abbottabad.
Illustrated London News engraving
The Illustrated London News ran an article on the cross in its Aug. 28, 1869 issue:
ABYSSINIAN CROSS PRESENTED BY LORD NAPIER TO THE 1ST BELOOCH REGIMENT “Our readers will certainly recollect that, among the multitude of Illustrations we gave last year of the strange incidents of the British expedition to Abyssinia, were several crosses, and other church utensils or ornaments, either sent to this country as trophies, or seen and delineated by our Special Artist. The cross shown in an Engraving this week is part of the spoils of Magdala. This curious piece of work is about 150 years old. The head of the cross is formed of pure silver, very soft and ductile. It is decorated with engraved groups and figures chiefly illustrative of the history of Christ, according to the ideas of the Greek Church. On the obverse is represented, at its apex, Christ, crowned with thorns, undergoing his crucifixion with the two thieves. At the base of the cross are introduced the Blessed Virgin and St. John, with two cherubim. The betrayal of Our Lord, the flight of the soldiers, the scene of his being dragged between the houses of Herod and Pilate, St. Peter cutting off the servant’s ear, and the insulting act coupled with the question “Prophesy who struck Thee,” are represented on the transverse arms of the cross. On the reverse, at its apex, is shown God the Father as an aged man, placed above a space in which are introduced the Madonna and Child, and the background of which is formed by a curtain held up by two cherubim. St. George of Cappadocia is shown on horseback in the act of slaying the dragon. St. Michael is also represented in a characteristic attitude. The extreme points of the transverse arms on this side bear representations of the miracles of casting out a devil and curing the blind. The member of the cross which forms the blade of the shaft bears representations on both sides of the Fathers of the Desert. The interstices not occupied by figure-subjects are decorated with ornaments of a peculiar character, very curiously interlaced. This is well displayed in the flat circular band which springs from the shaft of the cross on each side, and supports the transverse arms. The shaft of the cross has engraved upon it an inscription in native characters, the translation of which is as follows :- “Presented by Colonel Welda Hunna to the Church of St. Raphael at Gondar.”
“This cross has been presented by Lord Napier to the 1st Belooch Regiment, who have had it fitted up in a silver vase by Messrs. Hardman and Co., of Birmingham, with the intention of using it as an ornament on their mess-table, to commemorate the part taken by it in the capture of Magdala. The shaft of the stand, which is also of silver, is decorated with engraving en suite, and bears the following inscription round the base:-” Presented to the 1st Beloochees by his Excellency Lord Napier, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., Commander-in-Chief of the Abyssinian Expedition, in commemoration of the Fall of Magdala, 1868;” and on the regimental badge, engraved on the base, is inscribed :-” 1st Belooch Regiment-Delhi-Abyssinia.”
Description: An ornate spoon with depiction of crucifixion on the handle sketched by William Simpson, an artist and correspondent for the Illustrated London News. on Britain’s Abyssinian Expedition in 1868.
A note on the page reads: “Sacramental Spoon from Magdalla, 20th April 1868”
Sources: Page 23 of one of two sketchbooks in the Institute of Ethiopian Studies in Addis Ababa, scanned in by the British Library – https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP286-1-2-10