The Prince and the Plunder

A book on how Britain took one boy and piles of treasures from Ethiopia

Tag: The Cameronians Regimental Museum – Hamilton

The Cameronians’ cross

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: A brass cross taken from the church in Maqdala and given to the 26th Foot (The Cameronians) – a regiment which arrived too late to take part in either of the main battles

Where: The Cameronians Regimental Museum (Scottish Rifles), Mote Hill, off Muir Street, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, ML3 6BY, UK

There is no mention of the cross on the museum’s website.

According to The History of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), Vol 1 1689-1910:

“The 26th [Foot Cameronians] took no part in the march to Magdala. It was not among the units forming part of the original expeditionary force. Not until 31st March, 1868, did it land at Zula, armed with the new Snider breech-loading rifle. The regiment then marched, in great heat, across the desert of 14 miles to Kumayli. From here it began the long ravine, known as the Passes, which led up to the plateau of Senafe, five marches away. At this point the 26th heard that the war was over, and on 10th May began to move back again to the coast. By 11th June the regiment was back in Bombay after an absence of less than three months. A battle honour had been won without casualties.

“On arrival at Bombay the ship carrying the 26th was ordered round to Calcutta, and there the regiment disembarked to march to its new quarters at Dum Dum. While it was there it received from Sir Robert Napier an ornamental brass cross taken from one of the Coptic churches in Magdala before the town was burned.”

The Cameronians’ prayer book *

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: A prayer book ‘obtained from an Abyssinian chief’

Where: The Cameronians Regimental Museum (Scottish Rifles), Mote Hill, off Muir Street, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, ML3 6BY, UK

The museum entry, which has several pictures, describes: a “17th Century Abyssinian prayer book, known as the ‘Weddase Maryam’ a collection of prayers in honour of the Virgin Mary. It is written in Ethiopian on vellum.
The book contains seven prayers, one for each day of the week. The book was obtained from an Abyssinian Chief by Lieutenant Turner of the 26th (Cameronian) Regiment in 1868″.

Accession No:

The 26th Foot (The Cameronians) were a Scottish regiment which arrived too late to take part in either of the main battles in the Abyssinian Campaign.

A piece of the emperor’s coat

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: A 12cm-long piece of cloth cut from the Emperor’s coat on the day he died

Where: The Cameronians Regimental Museum (Scottish Rifles), Mote Hill, off Muir Street, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, ML3 6BY, UK

According to many accounts, British soldiers swarmed around the body of Emperor Tewodros on Magdala and cut off pieces of his clothes for souvenirs.

The museum entry, which has two pictures, describes: a “small scrap of material with handwritten note” on a piece of paper.

A note on the paper reads: “A piece of the coat King Theodore had on the day he was killed. A piece of the coat was given to one of the 26th Cameronians by a French Colonel who took it off his coat – He [?] cut this off their piece”.

Accession No:

The 26th Foot (The Cameronians) were a Scottish regiment which arrived too late to take part in either of the main battles in the Abyssinian Campaign.