The Prince and the Plunder

A book on how Britain took one boy and piles of treasures from Ethiopia

Tag: National Army Museum – London

Finial and cross *

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: An Ethiopian Orthodox cross – possibly taken from the top of a church

Where: The National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Rd, Chelsea, London SW3 4HT

The database entry describes a “staff finial, 13 Apr 1868; owned by Sir Charles Fraser; openwork flat brass Abyssinian Coptic cross with pointed arms and domed, cross pieces, with smaller crosses placed at angles, impressed designs and crescent emerging from socket; associated with Abyssinia (1868).”

Crafts 1965-04-44

A pair of spurs *

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: A pair of spurs “owned by Sir Charles Fraser and acquired by him in Abyssinia during the Abyssinian campaign, 1868”

Where: The National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Rd, Chelsea, London SW3 4HT

The catalogue entry describes a “pair of spurs, 1868 (c); wrought iron ten pointed rowel mounted in a double bracket which attaches to a heel grip; the outside of the grips and the rowel mount are decorated with small swags and dots; owned by Sir Charles Fraser and acquired by him in Abyssinia during the Abyssinian campaign, 1868.

Museum accession number
Horse Furniture 1965-04-45-