The Prince and the Plunder

A book on how Britain took one boy and piles of treasures from Ethiopia

Category: Returned plunder

The Newcastle shield

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: Shield

Where: The National Museum of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. The shield was removed from an auction in Newcastle, England in February, 2024 and returned to Ethiopia in November through the mediation of the Royal Ethiopian Trust.

Status: Clear link to Maqdala. Among other indicators, the central boss of the shield is engraved “Magdala 13th April 1868”.

Provenance: This shield first appears in the British record in a 1932 sale of items from the collection of the Lambton family, through Anderson & Garland Auctioneers of Newcastle upon Tyne. The link to the Lambdons also strengthens the case for a link between the shield and Maqdala. To quote an essay published by the Royal Ethiopian Trust:

"It is notable that Sir Hedworth Lambton, the patriarch of the Lambton family, had a significant connection to Lady Valerie Meux, an aristocrat with a strong interest in Ethiopian culture. Sir Hedworth, a naval officer and the commander of the Naval Brigade at the Siege of Ladysmith, became the chief beneficiary of Lady Meux’s estate. This inheritance not only linked Sir Hedworth to Lady Meux’s wealth but also possibly to her collection of Ethiopian treasures, making it likely that the Shield of Magdala entered the Lambton Estate via Lady Meux. The shield’s back is marked with the word 'Tower,' suggesting its association with one of two towers on the Lambton Estate."

The shield was put up for sale again by the same auctioneer in February, 2024. Here is a link to an archived version of the auction page. This time, Anderson & Garland did not name the owner, but did mention the historical context, with a reference to the “expedition and its troops looting many local artifacts which they took back to Britian”.

The Ethiopian Heritage Authority – part of Ethiopia’s government – then contacted Anderson & Garland on Feb. 23 in a letter that said:

"Since the artefact has been wrongfully acquired in a context of a punitive expedition to Ethiopia in which these items were looted the sale of this item in your auction is inappropriate. As the legally mandated authority concerned with Ethiopian heritage in Ethiopia and abroad we would therefore strongly urge you to cancel the auction, and request that you contact the sellers to arrange for the restitution of this looted item and repatriation to its country of origin and its legally rightful owners, the Ethiopian government represented by the Heritage Authority under the Ministry of Tourism."

The auctioneer agreed to withdraw the shield from sale. It soon emerged that it had been contacted by the Royal Ethiopian Trust – a non-profit organization established by His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie, grandson of Emperor Haile-Selassie I – which offered to acquire the shield and arrange its return to Ethiopia.

“This shield is not just a historical artifact; it is a symbol of Ethiopia’s history and resilience,” said Prince Ermias. “Our efforts and success in regaining this treasure is a testament to our commitment to preserve our heritage and honor our ancestors who fought for our nation’s sovereignty.”

It was first taken in October to Toledo, Ohio, where it was displayed at the Toledo Museum of Art. Then campaigner and researcher Alula Pankhurst brought it to Ethiopia in November where it was greeted at the National Museum where it remains on display.

The emperor’s great seal

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: The seal that Emperor Tewodros used to sign his orders and correspondence

Where: Returned by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II during her state visit to Ethiopia in February, 1965. Checking current whereabouts.

Detail of a picture spread of “relics from Abyssinia” in the Illustrated London News 20 June 1868

The Birmingham Daily Post had a report on the return of the seal and a crown in its edition of Feb. 8, 1965:

The Queen returns Ethiopian crown
The Birmingham Daily Post
Monday, Feb. 8, 1965
ASMARA, Sunday

THE QUEEN tonight returned to Ethiopia the crown and seal of the Emperor Theodore, taken by British troops during the Abyssinian campaign of 1868.
At a farewell banquet in her honour, she told her host, Emperor Halle Selassie, that the gesture was “a token of our gratitude and esteem for your throne and person.”
Tremendous applause greeted her statement. The Queen added: For my husband and myself these last seven days have been unforgettable.”
Earlier today. the Queen attended service at a newly built cathedral in Axum, 100 miles from here, the ancient Christian capital of Ethiopia where the Queen of Sheba is reputed to have lived.
For the first time in hundreds of years women in Axum were allowed to worship in church. Ten centuries ago a Jewess named Judith led the last of a aeries of invasions on Axum. It may have been because of her role in the sacking of the city that the fourth-century shrine of St. Mary was banned to women.
Today, by decree of Emperor Haile Selassie, 600 women were admitted to the cathedral.

The Glasgow shield

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: A buffalo hide shield, returned to Ethiopia by a Scottish academic in May, 2004

Where: The Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa

The shield returned by Fiona Wilson

Professor Fiona Wilson returned this shield that her family had owned in Scotland since the late 19th century.

“Throughout my childhood the shield was hanging in the dining room of my parents’ house,” Fiona Wilson said at the ceremony when she handed over the shield to the Institute of Ethiopian Studies of the Addis Ababa University.

Wilson said her grandfather bought the buffalo-skin decorated in silver in the 1890s from a dealer and everyone believed it was Scottish.

“I discovered that I had become without realising it, the keeper of a small part of Ethiopia’s historical heritage and national treasure and decided to return it”, she added.

Quotes from Reuters report 31 May 04

The Edinburgh tabot

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: A tabot, returned by St. John’s Episcopal Church, Edinburgh in 2002

Where: Ethiopia, checking exact location

One of at least 11 Tabots (consecrated altar slabs) seized at Maqdala by British soldiers. This one was taken by a Captain Arbuthnot of the 14th Hussars who may have been an Aide de Camp to General Napier, the leader of the expedition.

On return to Britain, recognising the religious significance of the artefact, he presented the Tabot to St. John’s Episcopal Church at the west end of Princes Street in Edinburgh.

More than 130 years later, it was discovered at the back of a cupboard by the church’s then associate rector The Rev John McLuckie.

McLuckie, who had worked in Addis Ababa in the past, recognised the Tabot. After consulting with people in his church, and finding about AFROMET – the Association for the Return of the Maqdala Ethiopian Treasure – through the internet, he decided to return the Tabot to Ethiopia.

A party from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, along with hundreds of Afromet supporters, arrived in Edinburgh in January 2002. The Tabot was handed back amid huge celebrations during a service at St John’s. (See The Scotsman’s picture of the handover ceremony)

Archbishop Isaias of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church arrived in Addis Ababa with the Tabot in early February. Hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians came out into the streets to welcome it.

A Tabot is traditionally kept wrapped in cloths at the centre of an Ethiopian Orthodox church.

It focuses the presence of God in every Ethiopian church. Its removal is an act of sacrilege comparable to the removal of the Reserved Sacrament in an Anglican or Catholic church.

It is only ever seen by the priest and represents the Ark of the Covenant, which the Israelites used to carry the Ten Commandments as they travelled to the Promised Land. Ethiopian Christians believe they still possess the original Ark.

Read more about the Tabot’s discovery and its return to Addis Ababa.

Some clues about how it came to Edinburgh in the first place are found in this letter in the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh:


Letter from Dean Edward Bannerman Ramsay (Dean of Edinburgh) to Rev George Hay Forbes (Burntisland?)

23 Ainslie Place

My Dear Mr Forbes,
The late King Theodore of Abyssinia had destroyed the Christian churches or some of them at Magdala – a number of relics of the internal furniture of these churches has been collected and laid up in the government stores. Captain Arbuthnot, who was with Lord Napier’s army when Magdala was taken brought some of these things home. He sent pieces to different clergymen and he sent a block of wood (which he understood had been used at the Comm table and that the xx [fulten, putten, pulten?] was put upon it) to me at St John’s. There is an inscription on it – the wood it is made of is said to be very ancient. Now dear Mr Forbes we much desiderate a translation into English of these Eastern letters. We naturally turn to you to help us. We know how skilled you are in Eastern literature and even if you did not know these Abyssinian letters we thought you could get them deciphered for us. I send therefore a little package, carriage paid, containing the inscription both in papers as copied or traced and also in plaster as a cast, I am yours sincerely and truly,

March 18, 1869

The Maggs tabot

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: A tabot, returned by Dr Ian MacLennan in 2003

Where: Ethiopia, checking exact location

This tabot was taken from Magdala and brought to England by Hormuzd Rassam, a scholar and Queen Victoria’s Special Representative to Emperor Theodore.

It was later purchased by an English collector who put his entire stock of Ethiopian books and artefacts on sale through Maggs Bros book dealers in Mayfair, London.

It was spotted in Maggs’ catalogue by Dr Ian MacLennan, an Irish doctor who was a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. He bought it for an undisclosed sum, flew it back to Ethiopia and handed it over to the Orthodox church in July 2003.

Read the BBC’s story on the return
Raided Lost Ark returns home (BBC 1 July 2003)

The emperor’s ‘rather barbaric’ crown

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

What: A silver gilt crown with glass decorations returned to Ethiopia in 1924

Where: Unknown

The British Government agreed to return this Maqdala crown to Ethiopia during a state visit by Ras Tafari Makonnen (the future Emperor Haile Sellassie, who was then Regent and Heir to the Throne).

Ras Tafari Makonnen left Addis Ababa in April, 1924, starting an historic visit to Palestine, Egypt, and Europe to mark Ethiopia’s entry into the League of Nations.

The Regent’s eventual arrival in Britain, quite unexpectedly, and by a strange quirk of official British thinking, opened up the question of the loot which the Napier expedition had taken from Maqdala, Emperor Tewodros’s capital, over half a century earlier.

The British Government was unaccustomed to dealing with women who were rulers in their own right. The Foreign Office was therefore at a loss how to honour Ethiopia’s reigning woman ruler – Empress Zawditu.

Britain, having, as they believed, no suitable decoration for the Empress, someone in the Foreign Office had the bright idea that she should instead be given “Emperor Tewodros’s crown”. The brainwave was duly conveyed to Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary of Britain’s first Labour Government. He gave it idea his full support.

On 7 July, the very day of Regent Tafari’s arrival, one of the Prime Minister’s aides, Mr F.F. P. Adams, of the Foreign Office, wrote a “Very Urgent” letter on the matter to the Secretary of the Board of Education. This was because the latter was responsible for the Victoria and Albert Museum, in South Kensington. This institution, together with the British Museum, was one of the two principal repositories of the loot from Maqdala.

He wrote: “In view of the ineligibility of women for the highest British Orders, such as those which have been or about to be conferred upon the Ras Taffari, the bestowal of an inferior decoration on the Empress might be misinterpreted; it is, therefore, considered necessary in the circumstances to give her a present. It is thought that the only gift which would give her any real satisfaction, and which would also appeal to all classes of opinion in Abyssinia, would be the restoration of the Crown of Emperor Theodore, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Whatever artistic interest may attach to this exhibit can be but small in comparison with its historic and sentimental value for the Abyssinians, and it is considered that the restoration would give that country more solid satisfaction and gratification than any gift which could be made to them by any other country”.

On 11 July officials of the Foreign Office rushed off to speak with Sir Amherst Selby Bigge, of the Board of Education, from whom they learnt, to their surprise, that there was, not one crown, but two, both of which had been taken from Maqdala.

A Foreign Office official reported: “It appears that there are two crowns, the first a highly ornate and rather barbaric headgear is listed in the Museum as the imperial crown and if it is decided to return it to the Empress, it would probably be possible to do so by arrangement with the Secretary of State for India who, it appears, lent it to the Museum.

“The second crown, though less showy, is from an artistic point of view the superior article. It is listed in the Museum as the crown of the Abouna, but it appears open to doubt whether it is not really King Theodore’s crown. This second crown it will be impossible to restore, as nothing short of an Act of Parliament could get it out of the possession of the Museum; besides to restore it would create a very difficult precedent. We would be bebattled with demands to restore the Elgin marbles to Greece, not to mention other objects of interest which have been acquired from time to time as a result of military operations”.

He continued: “”If you think, after inspection, that the first crown… would serve the purpose in view and would not actually whet Abyssinian appetites for more and lead to demands for the second crown and a valuable chalice which we acquired at the same time, we will take the matter up with the Secretary of State for India. If, however, you are satisfied that nothing but the second crown… would produce the desired effect in Abyssinia then I am afraid we must let the whole matter drop”.

What Mr. Murray, most remarkably, did not say, but what we now know, is that the two crowns were of entirely different composition. The first crown, which he proposed sending as a gift to Empress Zawditu, was silver-gilt, with coloured glass decorations, whereas the second, which he wanted to retain in Britain, was made of gold, and therefore presumably infinitey more valuable.

This latter crown, according to Sophia Shirley of today’s Victioria and Albert Museum, is made “mainly of high carat gold (more than 18 carat) alloyed with silver sand copper”, and, according to Louise Hofman, also of the V. & A., weighs no less than 2,488.8 grammes.

On 14 July, 1924, which was a full week after Tafari’s arrival, the Foreign Office accordingly rushed off a letter to the India Office. Emphasising once again the need for urgency, it stated that King George V would be granting their distinguished Ethiopian visitor a farewell audience the following Friday, and that they were: “anxious, if possible, that on that occasion His Majesty should be able to inform the Ras that it is the intention to present the Empress with this crown, which has great sentimental value for the Abyssinians”.

The Secretary of State, as expected, duly gave his consent, on the following day, 15 July. The “rather barbaric” crown was then packed at the museum that same day – and was therefore not in fact seen by the Regent, or any of his compatriots, in the course of their visit.

The proposed repatriation was accordingly announced by King George, in a brief farewell speech to Ras Tafari, on 18 July 1924. The King is quoted in Emperor Haile Sellassie’s later “Autobiography” as saying, “We are returning to you the crown of Emperor Theodore which the commander of the British army at the time of the Magdala campaign had brought back”.

The Foreign Office decided that, to attain maximum publicity, the crown’s presentation should be carried out by the British Minister in Addis Ababa.

Final restitution was in fact delayed, for almost a year.

It’s current whereabouts are unknown. Professor Richard Pankhurst – the son of suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst and the founder of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies – believed it was plundered again by Italian forces who occupied -parts of Ethiopia during World War 11.