The Prince and the Plunder

A book on how Britain took one boy and piles of treasures from Ethiopia

State seal – purchase not loot

Published / by Andrew Heavens / Leave a Comment

Theodore’s seal (purchased not looted) in Ethnological Museum, Berlin

emuseumplus-1Catalogue entry:

[Automatic translation]

State seal of Abyssinia
Gerhard Rohlfs (14.4.1831 – 2.6.1896), collector
Sudan (country / region)
historical name: Abyssinia
Diameter: 4.6 cm
Height: 5.5 cm
Height: 2 mm (disc)
Weight: <2 kg
ID No. III A 249
Collection: Ethnological Museum | Africa
© Photo: Ethnological Museum of the National Museums in Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
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from the file E 1126/1868: Report by Mr. Rohlfs to Wilhelm von Prussia
… it is handed over to the king (see also III A 250a, b; III A 251).
1. The older seal of the king Theodore from silver and with the double inscription in Amharic un Arabic, which is the same and means “ras Kassa sultan el habescha” or “the governor Kassa king of Abyssinia”. This seal was in the possession of Eduard Zander, formerly sent by the Duke of Anhalt for collecting half to Abessinen, and later hired by King Theosor as “alter ego”, i. he had to do with the royal clothes, in battles and skirmishes the enemy missiles from the king and on himself. The seal was purchased.

For the sake of completeness, the article mentioned under 4 is to be mentioned here, although it is no longer in the museum here; it was a crown that was reclaimed by the king on 27.02.1869. (Cf. act. 214/69). The crown was sent as a gift to Victoria from England to England (see Acts 286/69). Photos of the Crown were delivered to the museum. Rohlfs ran the crown “during the plundering of the mountain Magdala on 13.04.1868” … “by an English infantry soldier (probably 33rd Regiment).”

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